Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bed and Two Posts

I had three arrivals recently.

One was a heavy cold that turned into a 'flu-like illness - the kind where your life shrinks to the size of a bed. After a couple of days of trying to sleep it off (so I would be able to function at work) I stumble downstairs to find two packages:

One was the most recent Field Report, painstakingly assembled by Dave Dellafiora. I tore off the three layers of packaging and sat down to read the news from the Field. Better than ever, the 2008 Report continues to represent the diversity of art possibilities away from Gallery Mainstreet. [see also: report-from-field-2007]

One was Jon Hassell's 'Last night the moon came dropping its clothes in the street' - an album whose originality and beauty I will have to try to describe after I am fed and well...
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